

[Brush] menu is home to commands that let you perform any brush-related operation.

Add a Brush from the Brush Store

[Brush] – [Add a Brush from the Brush Store]

Click to open [Brush Store] dialog box.

[Brush Store] dialog box

Click [Add to brush list] to download chosen brushes.
Only the Windows version supports [Brush Category] for filtering brushes.

For more information, please refer to this page.

Previous Brush

[Brush] – [Previous Brush]

Choose the previous brush at the list of [Brush] window.

Next Brush

[Brush] – [Next Brush]

Choose the next brush at the list of [Brush] window.

Previous Size

[Brush] – [Previous Size] / [

Choose one smaller size at the list of [Brush Size] window.

Next Size

[Brush] – [Next Size] / ]

Choose one bigger size at the list of [Brush Size] window.

Edit Brush Size

[Brush] – [Edit Brush Size]

Edit default size of brushes in [Brush Size] window. 

[Edit Brush Size] dialog box

①Edit brush sizes by inputting numbers or deleting items.
Initialize Brush Size : Initialize the list of [Brush Size] Window.

Add Brush

[Brush] – [Add Brush]

Create a new brush. Click to open [Edit Brush] dialog box.

[Edit Brush] dialog box

①Stroke preview is shown.
Name : Edit the name of the brush.
Type : Choose the brush type from [Pen], [AirBrush], [Eraser], [Watercolor], [Blur], [Smudge], [Edge Pen], [Edge Pen2], or [Mix]. For more information, please refer to this page.
Blend : When the type is [Pen], [AirBrush], [Watercolor], [Edge Pen], or [Edge Pen2], set the blend effect on the stroke.
Width : Adjust the default width.
Min Width : Adjust the minimum width when pen-pressure is applied.
Opacity : Specify the default opacity.
Size by Pressure : By checking this, pen-pressure affects line width.
Opacity by Pressure : By checking this, pen-pressure affects the opacity of line.
Soft Edge : When the type is [Eraser], [Watercolor], or [Mix], by checking this, the edge of stroke blurs.
Revert to Original Settings : Resets the parameters to their default values.

[Option] Tab

Editable items vary by brush type. For more information, please refer to this page.

[Pen Pressure Correction] Tab

Set the value of pen-pressure for the active brush.

[Texture] Tab

Brush Texture : Choose the texture which is synthesized with the stroke.
Texture Blend : Choose the way of blending for texture.
Texture Effect : Choose texture effect.
Randomly Shift Coordinates for Each Stroke : By checking this, texture for each stroke will be drawn randomly.

[Post Processing] Tab

Enable Post Processing : Check this box to turn [Post Processing] on.
Set Preset Values : Choose from [Force Fade In/Out], [Ink Pool], or [Drawn Lettering] to display the respective preset value.
③Adjust pen-pressure when using stylus or mouse.
④Adjust length and shape of [Force Fade IN/Out].
⑤Adjust length, strength, and shape of the [Ink Pool].

Add Bitmap Brush (File)

[Brush] – [Add Bitmap Brush (File)]

Create a new brush from locally stored image files.
Available file formats are MDP and PNG.

Add Script Brush (File)

[Brush] – [Add Script Brush (File)]

Create a new brush from locally stored BS (Brush Script) format files.

Add Brush Group

[Brush] – [Add Brush Group]

Add a brush group to the top of the list in [Brush] Window. If a brush group has already been created, add one below it.

[Brush Group] dialog box

Edit the name of brush group.

Duplicate Brush

[Brush] – [Duplicate Brush]

Copy the selected brush.

Delete Brush

[Brush] – [Delete Brush]

Delete the selected brush.

Export as File

[Brush] – [Export as File]

Export the selected brush as an MDB (FireAlpaca Brush) format file.

Import from File

[Brush] – [Import from File]

Load a locally stored MDB (FireAlpaca Brush) format file and add a new brush to the list in [Brush] window.

Initialize Base Point

[Brush] – [Initialize Base Point]

Initializes base point. (for specific brushes)

Simple Brush List Display

[Brush] – [Simple Brush List Display]

Check this to switch to the brush list with brush names only.

Nomal Brush List

Simple Brush List

Brush Script Editor

[Brush] – [Brush Script Editor]

BS (Brush Script) format files are editable in [Brush Script Editor] dialog box.

[Brush Script Editor] dialog box

①Stroke preview is shown.
②Here input script.
Save as (Executable script only) : Save the scripted brush as a BS (Brush Script) file.
Execute : Execute the script content.
Sample script : Choose and import brush data from the 7 samples; [Sample 1 (Simple main)], [Sample 2 (Interval)], [Sample 3 (Triangle)], [Sample 4 (Pen)], [Sample 5 (Debug Output)], [Sample 6 (last() function)], [Sample 7 (Interval)]
Import current brush : When a script brush is currently selected, the script of it will be imported.
Import from file : Import a locally stored BS (Brush Script) format file.
⑧[Option] items are shown.
Debug Log : The debug log is shown.

Open Brush Edit Dialog

[Brush] – [Open Brush Edit Dialog]

Open [Edit Brush] dialog box for the active brush.

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