

[Select] menu is home to commands that let you create and edit selection, transform an image, and so on.


[Select] – [All] / Ctrl + A

Specify the entire canvas as selection.


[Select] – [Deselect] / Ctrl + D

Cancel selection.


[Select] – [Inverse] / Ctrl + Shift + I

Reverse selected and unselected areas.


[Select] – [Expand]

Expand selection.

[Expand] dialog box

Specify the width of expansion in pixels. The default value is 1 pixel.
Check [Round a corner] to round the corners of the expanded selection.


[Select] – [Contract]

Contract selection.

[Contract] dialog box

Specify the width of contraction in pixels. The default value is 1 pixel.
Check [Round a corner] to round the corners of the contracted selection.

Create Selection from Layer (Opacity)

[Select] – [Create Selection from Layer (Opacity)]

Generate selection based on the opacity of the image of the active layer.

Create Selection from Layer (Brightness)

[Select] – [Create Selection from Layer (Brightness)]

Generate selection based on the brightness of the image on the active layer. Painted with the near-white color areas will be close to transparent, and white areas will not be selected.

Select Foreground Color Range

[Select] – [Select Foreground Color Range]

Generate selection based on the foreground color range of the active layer.

Highlight Outside

[Select] – [Highlight Outside]

Check this to display unselected areas in light blue.

Draw Selection Border

[Select] – [Draw Selection Border] / Ctrl + B

Draw the border of the selection.

[Draw Selection Border] dialog box

①Specify the drawing area from [Inside] / [Outside] / [On Boundary].
②Specify the width of the boundary line.
[Round a corner, Keep line width] : Check this box to round the corner part and keep the line width uniform.


[Select] – [Transform] / Ctrl + T

Transform the selection. Keep holding down the ctrl key to free transform.

[Transform] bar

①The angle of rotation is shown.
Flip : Flip the selection left or right. 
③Choose the point of expansion/contraction from center or diagonal.
Perspective : Check this box to apply perspective correction to the transformation.
⑤Specify the completion format of the transformed image from [Nearest neighbor (Jaggies)] / [Bilinear (Smooth)] / [Bicubic (Sharp)].

Mesh Transform

[Select] – [Mesh Transform]

Mesh-transform the selection.

[Mesh Transform] Bar

Column : Specify the number of vertical divisions from 1 to 12. The default value is 4.
Row : Specify the number of horizontal divisions from 1 to 12. The initial value is 4
③Specify the completion format of the transformed image from [Nearest neighbor (Jaggies)] / [Bilinear (Smooth)] / [Bicubic (Sharp)].
Bilateral Symmetry : Check this box to move the mesh symmetrically.
Upper and lower symmetry : Check this box to move the mesh vertically symmetrically.
Lock Translation and Rotation : Check this box to lock the position of the mesh during transformation.

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