
Shortcut Keys

Here is the list of available shortcut-keys.
With the exception of a few, you can add or change shortcut key assignments from [File] > [Shortcut Settings] in the menu.


Windows Mac
New Ctrl + N command + N
New via Clipboard Shift + Ctrl + N command + shift + N
Open Ctrl + O command + O
Save Ctrl + S command + S
Save As Shift + Ctrl + S command + shift + S
Print Ctrl + P command + P
Environment Settings Ctrl + K command + K
Close command + W


Windows Mac
Undo Ctrl + Z command + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y command + shift + Z
Cut Ctrl + X command + X
Copy(Layer) Ctrl + C command + C
Copy(Merged) Ctrl + Shift + C command + shift + C
Paste Ctrl + V command + V
Image Size Ctrl + Alt + I command + option + I
Canvas Size Ctrl + Alt + C command + option + C


Windows Mac
Duplicate Ctrl + J command + J
Merge Down Ctrl + E command + E
Fill Insert
Clear Delete BackSpace
Clear Through Shift + Delete


Windows Mac
Levels Ctrl + L command + L
Hue Ctrl + U command + U


Windows Mac
All Ctrl + A command + A
Deselect Ctrl + D command + D
Inverse Ctrl + Shift + I command + shift + I
Draw Selection Border Ctrl + B command + B
Transform Ctrl + T command + T


Windows Mac
Off 1 1
Parallel 2 2
Crisscross 3 3
Vanish 4 4
Radial 5 5
Circle 6 6
Curve 7 7
3D Perspective 8 8
Grid 9 9
Snap Settings 0 0


Windows Mac
Transparent Shift + Z shift + Z
Swap X X
Initialize D D


Windows Mac
Previous Size [ [
Next Size ] ]


Windows Mac
Zoom In Ctrl + + command + +
Zoom Out Ctrl + – command + –
Fit to Window Size Ctrl + 0 command + 0
Rotate Left Left Left
Release Rotate/Flip Up Up
Rotate Right Right Right
Flip Down Down
Grid Ctrl + G command + G
Grid Settings Ctrl + Shift + G command + shift + G


Windows Mac
Select Next (Upper) Frame Ctrl + Up command + Up
Select Prev (Lower) Frame Ctrl + Down command + Down


Windows Mac
Brush B B
Eraser E E
Dot Brush Shift + B shift + B
Move V V
Fil N N
Lasso Fil Shift + L shift + L
Bucket G G
Gradient Shift + G shift + G
Select M M
Lasso L L
MagicWand W W
Select Pen S S
Select Eraser Shift + S shift + S
Text T T
Operation O O
Divide Shift + O shift + O
Eyedropper I I
Hand H H


Windows Mac
Show/Hide Tab Tab

Others (cannot edit in [Shortcut Settings] )

Windows Mac
Eyedropper Alt + left click option + left click
Hand Space + drag Space + drag
Change brush size Ctrl + Alt + left/right drag command + option + left/right drag
Zoom in/out Space + Ctrl + left/right drag Space + command + left/right drag
Rotate canvas-display Space + Alt + left/right drag Space + option + left/right drag
Release rotate/flip of canvas-display Space + Alt + double click Space + option + double click
Select multiple layers or layer folders Ctrl / Shift + left click on the name of a layer
※Ctrl key : Add one layer at a time to the selected layer
Shift key : Select all layers in the range
command / shift + left click on the name of a layer
※ctrl key : Add one layer at a time to the selected layer
shift key : Select all layers in the range
Create selection from layer (opacity) Ctrl + left click on the thumbnail of a layer command + left click on the thumbnail of a layer
Select the layer at the clicked point A + left click on the image A + left click on the image
Chancel dialog box Esc esc

Special tool mode (active while key is holded down)

Brush Tool/Eraser Tool/Dot Tool Windows Mac
Draw or erase straight Shift shift
Move Tool Windows Mac
Move horizontally or vertically Shift shift
Gradient Tool Windows Mac
Paint a gradient horizontally or vertically Shift shift
Select Tool/Lasso Tool/MagicWand Tool Windows Mac
Add to selection Shift shift
Remove from selection Alt option
Divide Tool Windows Mac
Divide freely Shift shift
Eyedropper Tool Windows Mac
Exchange references Shift shift
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