
How to use the symmetry

This section explains the types of symmetry and how to use them.

Check [Symmetry] in the tool-options-bar of brush tool and choose the type from the pull-down menu.


You can draw horizontal symmetrically.


You can draw vertical symmetrically.


You can draw multiple images at once, equally spaced, in a circular pattern.
The number of symmetrical images can be specified from 2 to 5.

Rotate (Mirror)

You can draw multiple symmetrical images at once, equally spaced, in a circular pattern.
The number of symmetrical images can be specified from 2 to 5.


You can draw multiple images at once in a tiled format.
The number of tiles can be specified as [2 x 2], [3 x 3], or [4 x 4].

Half Drop

You can draw multiple images at once in a tiled format, shifting the position by half.
The number of half-drops can be specified as [2 x 2] or [4 x 4].

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