
How to See Windows

This section explains how to see each window.

Each window can be set visible/invisible in [Window] menu.
You can also change the order of windows, stack or separate them independently, which allows you to customize screen.

[Color] Window

①Foreground color and background color
②Transparent color
③The RGB information of foreground color
④The HEX color code of the foreground color (HEX color codes are RGB values in hexadecimal system)
⑤[Color Bar] or [Color Wheel] (Either the [Color Bar] or [Color Wheel] can be set in [Color] menu)

Color Bar

Color Wheel


[Color History] Window

①History of foreground color
②Delete the selected color.
③Delete all history.

[Color Palette] Window

①Colors in the palette group
②Specify the number of the palette group (#1 to #16).
③Open [Add Color] dialog box and add a color to the palette group.
④Delete the selected color.
⑤Display the name of the selected color.

[Add Color] dialog box

Name : Edit the name of the color in the palette.
❷The RGB information of foreground color is shown. The color can be changed by editing the values.
❸The HEX color code of the foreground color is shown. The color can be changed by editing the values.
Previous Color : Foreground color information is shown.
Current Color : The information about the color that has been edited.

[Brush Preview] Window

①Preview of the brush size
②Preview of the brush stroke

[Brush Control] Window

①Adjust the size of the brush.
②Adjust the opacity of the brush.
Stabilizer : Choose either [Use Global Settings] or individual setting.
Anti-aliasing : Choose [Use Global Settings] / [Enable] or [Disable].
※Other setting items depend on the brush type. Please refer to this page for more information.

[Brush] Window

①Check [Narrow] to narrow down the list.
②The list of brushes is shown. Select a brush and right-click to [Export Brush File] / [Import Brush Files]. Clicking the gear icon opens the [Edit Brush] dialog box where you can edit the brush’s settings.
Show Brush Store (Get a brush) : Open [Brush Store] dialog box.
Add Brush
 -Add Brush : Add a new brush.
 -Add Bitmap Brush (File) : Add a brush from locally saved images. Available file format is MDP or PNG.
 -Add Bitmap Brush (Layer, Multiple Materials) : Add a brush from the image on multiple layers of the active canvas.
 -Add Script Brush (File) : Add a brush from a locally stored BS (Brush Script) format file.
 -Add Preset Brush : Add a brush from the preset.
Add Brush Group : Add a brush group to the top of the list in the Brush window. If a brush group has already been, it will be added below it.
Duplicate Brush : Copy the selected brush.
Delete Brush : Delete the selected brush.

[Edit Brush] dialog box

①Stroke preview is shown.
Name : Edit the name of the brush.
Type : Choose the brush type from [Pen], [AirBrush], [Eraser], [Watercolor], [Blur], [Smudge], [Edge Pen], [Edge Pen2], or [Mix]. For more information, please refer to this page.
Blend : When the type is [Pen], [AirBrush], [Watercolor], [Edge Pen], or [Edge Pen2], set the blend effect on the stroke.
Material : When a bitmap brush is selected, you can choose image which is used for stroke. 
Width : Adjust the default width.
Min Width : Adjust the minimum width when pen-pressure is applied.

Opacity : Specify the default opacity.
Size by Pressure : By checking this, pen-pressure affects line width.
Opacity by Pressure : By checking this, pen-pressure affects the opacity of line.
Soft Edge : When the type is [Eraser], [Watercolor], or [Mix], by checking this, the edge of stroke blurs.
Revert to Original Settings : Resets the parameters to their default values.

[Option] Tab

Editable items vary by brush type. For more information, please refer to this page.

[Pen Pressure Correction] Tab

Set the value of pen-pressure for the active brush.

[Texture] Tab

Brush Texture : Choose the texture which is synthesized with the stroke.
Texture Blend : Choose the way of blending for texture.
Texture Effect : Choose texture effect.
Randomly Shift Coordinates for Each Stroke : By checking this, texture for each stroke will be drawn randomly.

[Post Processing] Tab

Enable Post Processing : Check this box to turn [Post Processing] on.
Set Preset Values : Choose from [Force Fade In/Out], [Ink Pool], or [Drawn Lettering] to display the respective preset value.
③Adjust pen-pressure when using stylus or mouse.
④Adjust length and shape of [Force Fade IN/Out].
⑤Adjust length, strength, and shape of the [Ink Pool].

[Navigator] Window

Zoom In : The active canvas is scaled up by one level.
Zoom Out : The active canvas is scaled down one level.
Fit to Window Size : Display of canvas matches the window size.
Rotate Left : Rotate active canvas 30° to the left.
Clear Rotation : Reset the rotate/flip state of active canvas.
Rotate Right : Rotate active canvas by 30° to the right.
Flip Horizontally : Inverts the display of active canvas from left to right.
⑧Adjust scaling up/down of the canvas with the bar. (Shown when the cursor is hovered over [Navigator] window)
⑨Adjust the angle of the canvas with the bar. (Shown when the cursor is hovered over [Navigator] window)
⑩Indicate with a red frame the area shown in the main window.

[Layer] Window

Opacity : Adjust the opacity of active layer.
Blending : Choose the blending mode of active layer. For more information about [Blending], please refer to this page.
Protect Alpha : By checking the box, you cannot draw on transparent area.
Clipping : By checking the box, the image will be visible only in the part of the bellow layer.
Lock : By checking the box, the layer cannot be edited.
Show only Active Layer : By checking the box, only the image of the active layer is visible.
Reference : Check the box to specify a layer or a layer folder as the reference of bucket, magic-wand and eyedropper tool. You can specify only one at a time, and when specified, a “>>” will appear at the beginning of the name.
⑧The list of layers is shown.
⑨Turn on/off layers display.
⑩The thumbnail of the layer is shown.
⑪Click to open the [Layer Property] dialog box, where you can edit the layer name and various settings.
Add Layer : Add a color layer above the active layer.
Add Layer (8bpp) : Add an 8bit layer above the active layer.
Add Layer (1bpp) : Add a 1bit layer above the active layer.
⑮Add a layer mask to the active layer. Layer mask is a FireAlpaca SE-only function.
Add Layer Folder : Add a layer folder above the active layer.
Duplicate Layer : Copy active layer or layer folder.
Merge Down Layer : Merge active layer with the layer below.
Delete Layer : Delete active layer, layer mask or layer folder.

[Layer Property] dialog box

Color Layer

Name : Edit the layer name.
Effect : Choose the layer effect from [None], [Watercolor edge], and [Watercolor edge (Cloudy)].
Draft Layer : Check this box to set as the [Draft Layer], which will not be reflected to [Export] result.

8bit Layer

Name : Edit the layer name.
Color : Change the layer color.
Halftoning : By clicking the box, the image will be halftoned. You can choose the halftone shape from [Circle], [Horizontal line], and [Vertical line].
Halftone density : Specify halftone lines from 10 to 80.
Draft Layer : Check this box to set as [Draft Layer], which will not be reflected to [Export] result.

1bit Layer

Name : Edit the layer name.
Color : Change the layer color.
Draft Layer : Check this box to set as [Draft Layer], which will not be reflected to [Export] result.

[Reference] Window

①Set an image in [Reference] window.
②Delete an image from [Reference] window.
③Scale up the image in [Reference] window.
④Scale down the image in [Reference] window.
⑤Fit the image to [Reference] window size.
⑥Once turned on, you can pick up colors from the image in [Reference] window.
⑦Rotate the image in [Reference] window 15° to the left.
⑧Reset rotated/flipped status of the image in [Reference] window.
⑨Rotate the image in [Reference] window 15° to the right.
⑩Flip the image in [Reference] window horizontally.

[Brush Size] Window

Here the list of brush sizes is shown. 
To edit the list, right-click on it and open [Edit Brush Size] dialog box.

[Edit Brush Size] dialog box

①Edit brush sizes by inputting numbers or deleting items.
Initialize Brush Size : Initialize the list of [Brush Size] Window.

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