Let’s use Snap tool

“Snap tool” lets you draw a line along the guideline. Drawing a straight line or circle by a freehand sketch is quite difficult, however Snap tool helps you to draw a perfect line easily.

Try Snap tool

Snap tool is OFF as default with Pen and Eraser tools.

To enable Snap tool, click the icon at the top of canvas to turn it ON. From left, “Snap Off”, “Parallel Snap”, “Crisscross Snap”, “Vanishing Point Snap”, “Radial Snap”, “Circle Snap”, “Curve Snap”, and “Snap Setting”.

Diagram:Check here to use Snap tool

Diagram:Check here to use Snap tool

Let’s explore each Snap option.


Parallel Snap

It enables to draw parallel lines. You can set an angle from “Snap Setting”.

Diagram:Parallel Snap

Diagram:Parallel Snap

Crisscross Snap

It enables to draw a vertical and horizontal lines. “Snap Setting” is not applicable to this option.

Diagram:Crisscross Snap

Diagram:Crisscross Snap

Vanishing Point Snap

It enables to specify the vanishing point easily.

Diagram:Vanishing Point Snap

Diagram:Vanishing Point Snap

Radial Snap

It enables to draw radial lines. You can move the center point of radial lines from “Snap Setting”.

Diagram:Radial Snap

Diagram:Radial Snap

Circle Snap

It enables to draw a circle. You can move the center point of circle from “Snap Setting”.

Diagram:Circle Snap

Diagram:Circle Snap

Curve Snap

It adjust the guideline voluntarily and enables to draw a line along the guideline.

You can move, rotate, and flip the guideline.

Clicking “Snap Setting” will reset the adjustment.

Diagram:Curve Snap

Diagram:Curve Snap

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