menu is home to commands that let you create a new document, save a file, set up the work environment, and so on.New / Ctrl + N
menu is home to commands that let you create a new document, save a file, set up the work environment, and so on.New / Ctrl + N
menu is home to commands that let you perform undo and redo, clipboard operations and transform the canvas.Undo / Ctrl + ZCancel the last act
menu is home to commands that let you perform any layer-related operation.Please refer to this page for more information about layer types.Add
menu is home to commands that let you perform any filter-related operation.Levels / Ctrl + LAdjust the brightness of the image with bars. di
menu is home to commands that let you create and edit selection, transform an image, and so on.All / Ctrl + ASpecify the entire canvas as selec
menu is home to commands that let you perform any snap-related operation.Please refer to this page for more information about snap.Off / 1Che
menu is home to commands that let you perform any operation about colors and palette.Transparent / Shift + ZCheck this to choose transparent co
menu is home to commands that let you perform any brush-related operation.Add a Brush from the Brush StoreClick to open dialog box. dialog b
menu is home to commands that let you perform any canvas-related operation.Zoom In / Ctrl + +The active canvas is scaled up by one level. BAC
menu is home to commands that let you perform any animation-related operation.Animation ModeCheck this to turn on, in which you can create ani